Gorse Hill members get stuck in to improving their …

Gorse Hill members get stuck in to improving their …

The provision on offer to young members of Gorse Hill Studios in Trafford is interesting and diverse.


In the coming weeks we will be updating more on the work of our clubs across Greater Manchester to demonstrate the valuable impact Youth Services have on young people throughout our communities.


Here we see some planting being done by the ‘Saturday Challenge’ youth group at Gorse Hill. This is a group for young members with SEND.


They did a fantastic job planting bulbs for next spring supported by The Conservation Volunteers, who work across the UK to help create happier and healthier communities through improving our greenspaces and encouraging physical out door activity.

It was the perfect combination for the ‘Challenge’ group who thoroughly enjoyed the time they spent on their activities.


“The group loved getting their hands in the soil and felt rebellious digging up their local park! They cant wait to watch the bulbs grow next Spring.”


A huge well done to all involved, we look forward to seeing your handy-work in bloom next spring !